- $100K annually
- Unlimited participation in CFP events
- Unlimited participation in CFP working groups
- One-on-one interaction with faculty members
- Limited IP access
What our members have to say
"The CFP has created a valuable and unique forum for the exchange of ideas, developments, visions and research between industry representatives and recognized academic masterminds. A series of regular working group meetings, workshops, and plenaries has led to deep research and a rich set of tools to help bring CFP ideas inside corporations. The ongoing dialogue of the CFP is of high value to its sponsors."
— Dirk Trossen, Cambridge University
"The CFP provides us, for the first time, with an examination of technology innovation that intersects with business innovation. The combined participation of industry and academia directly benefits the analysis of the complex scenarios faced by the telecommunications industry today. The ideas and results of the CFP provide valuable input to our internal discussions on our firm's strategic direction."
Roberto Saracco, Telecom Italia
"The ideas generated in the CFP are a major source of validation for internal
projects. The consensus of the group has enormous power."
— Marie Jose Montpetit, Motorola