About Working Groups
What is a working group?
A working group structure allows industry participants to be engaged closely with faculty in the research and to provide valuable input into the direction of the program. Working groups are launched as new issues emerge and disbanded as issues are resolved or become less relevant. They are co-chaired by faculty and industry sponsors. The scope of activities is determined by the interests of the participants. Working groups provide a forum for presenting research work and generating collective insights, with the goal of producing white papers and presentations. All research output is available exclusively to members on our Web site. Some papers are published outside CFP, with sponsors' approval.
Each working group has its own mode of operation with most meeting regularly throughout the year at MIT to discuss research topics. All meetings are accessible via conference call. The CFP holds an all-members meeting twice a year at MIT or a sponsor site where all working groups gather in person.
If you would like to join a working group please contact Susan Perez susanperez@csail.mit.edu or the leader of the group you are interested in.
Current working groups:
Past working groups: