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CFP Papers
- The Ambiguity of Disruption: Discovering the Future of Video Content, September 2015, by Natalie Klym
- Mobile Broadband: Towards a Sustainable Ecosystem May 2014 Lehr, Montpetit, Mobile Broadband Working Group - MIT
- Toward More Efficient Spectrum Management 2014 Lehr, Spectrum Working Group - MIT
- Coordinated Innovation: Collaborating along the Value Chain, 2012 Klym - MIT
- Standing on a
Slippery Slope: Getting Beyond Simplistic
Definitions of “Open” and “Closed”, 2011 Clark - MIT
- Proximal Radio: The Return of Infrastructure-free Radio, 2011 Lippman - MIT
- Challenges to Privacy in Social Networking Mashups: Social TV as a Case Study, 2011 Sollins - MIT
- Sports over IP: Dynamics and Perspectives, 2008, Blain - MIT
- Comments to the FCC on Preserving the open Internet and Broadband Industry Practices, 2009 Clark, Lehr, Bauer - MIT
- Building Social Services, 2009 (Members only)
- Networked Digital Video Recorders and Social Networks (Members only)
- The Future of Mobile TV: When Mobile TV Meets the Internet and Social Networking, 2009 (Members only)
- Running on Empty: The challenge of managing Internet addresses, 2009
- Innovation at the Edge: Social TV and Beyond, 2008
- Identity in an Information-Centric Internet, 2008
- Complexity of Internet Interconnections:
Technology, Incentives and Implications for Policy1, 2007
- Overlay Networks and the Future of the Internet, 2006
- Measuring the Economic Impact of Broadband Deployment, February 2006
- Inter-provider Quality of Service, November 2006
- Vision of Personal Broadband, January 2006
- The Evolution of RFID Networks, March 2006
- Broadband Incentive Problem, September 2005
- Digital Music Distribution, December 2005
- Value Chain Dynamics in the Communication Industry, December 2005
- Managing Shared Access to a Spectrum Commons, September 2005