CFP All-Members'
Meeting - May 13-14, 2009
Digital Media Archive
Use the Windows Media Player or Quicktime Player links below to download digital archive media of each presentation.
* Please note that due to technical difficulties during recording, the Q&A portion of Charlie Fine's presentation is not audible.
Roberto Saracco, Telecom Italia - Welcome to Venice: The Italian User
Andy Lippman, MIT - The Changing User Landscape
Charlie Fine, MIT - Communications Industry Report Card: A Value Chain Dynamics Perspective*
David Clark, MIT - Recent cyber-security studies in the U.S.
Hossein Moiin, BT - Personal Broadband and the Evolution of the Mobile Industry: A Personal Journey
Herkko Heitanen, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology - Community-Created Content
Ian Brown, Oxford Internet Institute - Stalking 2.0
Rainer Zimmermann, European Commission - Research on Future Internet Architectures and Technologies
David Clark, Bill Lehr and Steve Bauer, MIT - Traffic Data: Economic and Policy Relevance
Andy Lippman, MIT - Institutions and Solutions
David Reed, MIT - Social Mobility and the 3rd Cloud
Natalie Klym, MIT - Building Social Services: Social TV case study
Karen Sollins, MIT and Dirk Trossen, BT - Information, Identity, Privacy: Social TV as a case study