CFP Bi-Annual Meeting: Cambridge, MA
April 14-15, 2010
Day 1: April 14, 2010 - The Tang Center - Building E51 - Wong Auditorium
Corner of Wadsworth and Amherst Streets
Directions to Tang Center and MIT Campus Map
Day 2: April 15, 2010 - The Media Lab Extension- Building E14 - 6th Floor - Room 648 - Silverman Skyline Room
Corner of Amherst and Ames Streets
Directions to Media Lab Extension and MIT Campus Map
To view slides or notes for a presentation, just click on the red link. If the link is black, notes or slides for that presentation were not available to us.
TUESDAY, April 13
4:45 Joint networking reception with Industrial Liason Program, Information and Technology Conference attendees
Location: Building E51 - Tang Center - Wong Auditorium
12:30 Registration and boxed lunch
13:00 Andy Lippman, MIT Media Lab - Welcome and Introduction to CFP
SLIDES Social Information and Television,
13:30 Keynote address: Scott Dinsdale, EVP Digital Operations and New Technology Sony Media Studies Program
SLIDES The Future of Digitial Media
14:15 William Urichio, Director MIT Comparative Media Studies Program
SLIDES Redefining Television
NOTES15:15 Charlie Fine, MIT Sloan School of Management (Value Chain Dynamics WG)
SLIDES Television Reloaded
16:00 David Clark, MIT CSAIL
SLIDES After the Triple Play: A ten-year Plan
16:45 Adjourn
18:00 Reception and Demonstrations at the Media Lab Extension, 3rd Floor, Building E14
19:00 Casual Group Dinner at the Media Lab Extension, 5th Floor, Building E14
DAY 2 - THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2010
08:30 Continental Breakfast
09:00 Panel: New TV Initiatives - moderated by Charlie Fine
- Raffaele de Peppe, Telecom Italia
- David del Val Latorre, Telefonica
- Zach Klein, Boxee
- Gil Cruz, Cisco
- Henry Holtzman, MIT NeXstream
10:45 Steven Bauer, MIT CSAIL
SLIDES Internet Video Traffic: Implications for Architecture, Interconnection and Network Management
11:30 Panel: After the Triple Play - moderated by David Clark NOTES
- Roberto Saracco, Telecom Italia
- Cayetano Carbajo, Telefonica
- Bruce Davie, Cisco
- Steve Whittaker, British Telecom
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Panel: User Behaviors - moderated by Henry Holtzman
14:30 Chintan Vaishnav, Emmanuel Blain, MIT Technology & Policy Program
SLIDES-CV / SLIDES-EB System Dynamics Modeling
15:30 Karen Sollins, MIT and Jim Fenton, Cisco
SLIDES-KS / SLIDES-JF Privacy and Security Working Group Report / Identity Systems
16:00 Andy Lippman, MIT Media Lab
SLIDES People in Places
16:45 Adjourn