CFP Fall 2014 Plenary
MIT - Cambridge, MA
October 1-2, 2014 @MIT - Cambridge, MA
The New Normal
Many innovations get off the ground by ignoring convention -- legal, social, etc. Sometimes they end up adapting to existing laws and behaviors, other times laws and behaviors adapt to the new possibilities presented by the innovation, and sometimes the innovations introduce or lead to entirely new ways of doing and thinking about things; new legal frameworks, new business models, etc. Some "new normals" are not always welcome, (like those related to privacy), while others are ambigous and confusing before coming into focus. AirBnB and Uber are obvious examples of startups that have overturned established industries in classic disruption style. Another example that lies a little deeper, under the hood so to speak, concerns changes in interconnection negotiations triggered by the rise of massive volume of online video distribution. This meeting will focus on the Internet backbone, visual media, and news, with some discussion of the vulnerabilities, the new opportunities, and the options. To expand our thinking even further, we will look at these industry changes in the context of larger, seismic social changes.
Wednesday, October 1
09:00 - 10:15 The New Normal: Andy Lippman, Charlie Fine, Dave Clark
10:30 - 12:00 New Norms for Networks: Reconceptualizing the Internet
Sharon Gillette (Microsoft), Dave Clark
Discussion only - no slides available13:00 - 13:45 Television and Online Video: A Tale of Two Ecosystems, Charlie Fine, Natalie Klym
13:45 - 14:30 The Ambiguity of Disruption: Discovering the Future of Content, Natalie Klym
14:45 - 15:30 The Future of News, Ethan Zuckerman, MIT
Slides15:30 - 16:15 When OTA is the Incumbent, Globo
These slides are available under Publications "members only"
16:30 - 17:30 Ultimate Media discussion and demos, Andy Lippman
Thursday, October 2
09:00 - 09:45 The New Normal in Privacy, Karen Sollins
09:45 - 10:30 Spectrum Sharing, Bill Lehr
10:45 - 11:30 Mobile Services for the Serving Poor, Chintan Vaishnav
11:30 - 12:00 Diversity as the New Normal, Shirley Hung
Discussion only - no slides available